Installation, Training & Customisation
If your project requires purpose-built installation or modification to existing infrastruture, our team can co-oridnate with external contractors for smooth delivery and operations.
Site preparation
John Morris can work alongside third party contractors to make sure the site is designed correctly and is ready.Co-ordinated Installation
John Morris can securely store your equipment, deliver and install once your site is ready.User Training
Post installation user training from our product specialist is available during the life of your equipment.Preventative Maintenance Agreements
Our preventative maintenance agreements extends the working life your equipment, ensure you are within factory specification and reduce breakdowns.
Planned Service Intervals
Our engineers will come onsite to perform pre-planned maintenance, check-up and calibration.Extend Instrument Lifecycle
Routine preventative maintenance is critical to maximizing the working life of your equipment and getting the best results.Multiple Brands
Preventative maintenance plans are available for equipment not purchased from John Morris. Consolidate all of your equipment under one agreement.Pipette Calibration
NATA certified calibration facilities capable of servicing and calibrating all sizes and brands of pipette.
NATA Certified
NATA certified pipette calibration available for fixed, variable and multi channel pipettes. Only certified Gilson repair centre.Onsite Calibration Available
Our calibration technicians can come onsite to your facility to quickly calibrate large quantities of pipettes.Calibration of All Pipette Brands
Calibration, service and repair is availble for all major pipette brands.Nationwide Breakdown Repair Coverage
John Morris has national service coverage for all equipment we sell. In-house service workshops are located in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Auckland.
Factory Trained Technicians
Our engineers receive regular product service training directly from the equipment manufacturer.Trade in Options Available
If your equipment is no longer economical to repair or has been discontinued, John Morris offers trade-in discounts to swap obsolete equipment for new models.Onsite or In-house Repair
Our engineers can come onsite to repaid equipment or bring equipment back to the nearest workshop.Trusted by leading organisations