Exhaust gas calorimeter for CT 300_1918957
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Exhaust gas calorimeter for CT 300

Determination of the thermal exhaust gas losses is essential when calculating an energy balance for internal combustion engines. Calorimetric measurement is an established method of doing this. It involves a largely complete and loss-free heat exchange between the exhaust gas and a cooling medium.

The exhaust gas calorimeter consists of an insulated stainless steel tank, through which the exhaust gas flows from bottom to top. While doing this, the exhaust gas gives up its heat almost completely to a finned pipe with cooling water flowing through it. The pipe is arranged in loops to achieve the maximum possible heat exchange area. Relevant temperatures (water and exhaust gas inlet and outlet) and the flow rate of the water are recorded electronically and displayed digitally using a measuring amplifier. The measured data from are stored and processed using software for data acquisition included in CT 300.

The CT 300.01 is connected to a test engine (CT 300.04 or CT 300.05) using a heat-resistant exhaust gas hose.

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